Google My Business: How To Claim Your Business?

Google My Business is an appreciable place for the beginning of new businesses or those that wish to take full advantage of the world of online marketing. Google My Business, or GMB for short, is the latest version of Google Places and, as Google+ has been shut down, is not the only feature you need to worry about for making listings online.

Google My Business (GMB) is a service provided by Google for local businesses.

  • Go to GMB Intelligence for more information.

Everybody can use Google My Business for free. You just need a Google account, which you can create or utilize. Of course, it's preferable to create a new one for your business, even if you can use your existing one. Once you've signed up for an account, you'll be able to build a listing for your business, complete with updated contact information, images, and videos.

Google My Business can also be used by home-based enterprises that offer specific areas. Your address will not be shared since Google will instead provide the area you deliver. There are several ways that Google My Business may assist small businesses to improve their online presence and their local search engine optimization (SEO).

Google My Business Listing will produce the profile you can select when searching for a specific business or a particular type of business in a specific location on Google. After selecting this, you'll be able to see everything from the restaurant's location to its hours of operation to its menu and images.

For local businesses, it's a powerful marketing tool that can both bring in new consumers and help them rank higher in local search results. Use this guide if you're not currently utilizing it.

  • Creating up a Google My Business page is a good idea for several reasons.

You may use Google My Business to make it easier for people to locate you online and improve your SEO strategy and Google page rankings.

When individuals look for a business near them, 50 percent of those people will go to that store the very next day. Because of this, you'll want your web content to be as accurate and detailed as possible so that it can outrank your rivals.

Setup Google My Business: What You'll Need

To get Google My Business up and controlling it, you'll need to do a few things.

  • In-person operations by a formally registered company
  • For your business, you need to activate a Google account.
  • Internet firms don't count because you don't have a physical location or a geographic area to serve; internet firms don't count.

A Guide to Google My Business Registration

To get Google My Business up and running, follow these simple instructions:

1. Go to Your Company's Google Account and Sign In.

2. Click on the Business Tab.

For more information, please visit

3. Add the Location Information

Adding an address is necessary once you've begun a new listing. It's good to keep in mind how you spell out this location. For future listings and edits, you should follow the same structure.

4. Selecting an address 

You have a few options when it comes to the location of your company. Rather than requiring customers to travel to your business, you can declare whether or not you deliver to a specific location. There is the option to include your home address. You have the option to hide this address in either of these scenarios. You will only be able to see results based on where you work. It will, however, need to authenticate your firm by requesting your address.

5. Pick a business type.

Categories will be listed. To the best of your ability, be accurate.

6. Include Online Information

Consider including a phone number and website address in the description. You'll want this structured the same way in every listing from now on, so make a note of your selection now. Additional details may be provided a little later.

How You Verify Your Business Is Up to You.

To use Google My Business, you'll need to show that your business is indeed located at that address you've specified. Verification can be accomplished in some methods.

  • Postcard

If you choose this option, a verification number will be sent to your work address. Arrival may take a few days. You can verify your company's address on Google My Business after receiving it.

  • Authentication via Phone

As long as your landline phone is linked up with that particular address, you can use this method to validate your business. Google will send a text message (for landlines, this will be a phone call with an automated voice). Make a note of it and double-check it online.

  • Authentication through Email

You may be able to verify by email in some cases. You'll go to your business email and get the code as with any email verification. For new firms, this is not an option.

  • Verification in a Flash

An exception is if you have already confirmed your business using your Gmail account in Google Search Console or another Google product.

  • Verification of a large number of records

If you select the "Chain" option from the verification drop-down list, you can fill out a form for numerous locations at once. Google can probably take a week or more to review your claim, but they will do so.

  • Ensure that your Google My Business page is complete.

Make sure your profile is as complete and accurate as possible. For example, add your store's location, hours of operation, accessibility features like wheelchair access, and more.

  • Continue to Check In

Check your Google My Business account regularly. You'll want to go over your internet profile frequently to ensure it's up to date.

  • Adding visuals to your posts is a good idea.

Businesses that include graphics on their website will attract a third more visits and 42% more clients who ask for directions. But, of course, the quality of your images is also essential.

  • Size of a photograph

JPG or PNG photos must be at least 710px x 710px in resolution.

What Images Do I Include?

Photos of the following scenarios are recommended:

  • Photos of the Outside
  • Photographs of the Interior
  • Images of the items for sale
  • Photographs of Workers and Customers
  • Photos of Menu Item Descriptions
  • Photos from GMB
  • Video: Adding video can help you stand out, but be aware of the size and running time constraints since this may impair the quality.

Make an effort to ensure that these areas are as correct and professional as possible.


A solid Local SEO strategy might begin with a strong presence on Google My Business. Then, create additional citations, invest in local SEO keywords, and commit to a local PR strategy that enhances your reputation both offline and online due to your first efforts.

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